21st Century

by Sydney Harrison

Introduction into My World of Fashion

Being a new college student it is hard to balance everything all while keeping up school work. Here you can find how I keep myself sane and fashionable throughout the semester. Learn more about each of my loves in life and encorporate them into your lives. Stay tuned for my favorites of the season!

What I am most passionate about:

  1. Fashion
  2. Food
  3. Exercise...outfits

Fashion is the most powerful art there is -Blair Waldorf

Keeping up with the Trends

Vogue Magazine Cover

Social Media is one of the easiest ways these days to see what is going on in the world. When I was younger the normal thing to do was watch the morning news to see the events happeneing, but technology has come such a long way in 20 short years. You have the news stories right on your home page of your phone. A very easy way to stay up to date with the fashion trends in 2017 is to go on instagram, pinterest, or even snapchat. You can see all of the celebrities' new trends good or bad! The front page of ELLE displays the newest trends in 2017.

7 Trends Elle named to have hit their prime in 2016:

  1. Chokers
  2. Merch Tees
  3. Floral Wrap Dresses
  4. Vetements It-Everything
  5. Asymmetric Denim Hems
  6. Frayed Hems
  7. Excessive Athleisure

Healthy Diet

This might be the hardest thing for me. I love potato chips, soda, twizzlers (my indulgance) and basically anything you probably should not eat. One thing I have learned is that moderation is your best friend. If you are able to completely cut out sugars and other toxic foods, then more power to you. There are however some healthy sugars (something I like to hear). Medical News Today explains that glucose, fructose and lactose, which are three types of sugars, are actually natural that occur in fruits, vegetables along with limited other foods. Those specific naturally occuring sugars are not the leading factors of health problems. It is very easy to stray from a healthy diet with the amouont of fast food chains and chemically processed foods. This being said it is possible to have a balanced diet between fruits and veggies.

Media: How To Healthy Diet

Staying in Shape

I love Netflix; I love laying in bed; I love being lazy. This being said, I have to make a conscious effort to get out of the house and do things. My favorite is actually in home workouts so that I do not have to go anywhere. This also saves money not having to have a gym membership. Youtube is my go to. Kayla Itsines has a great channel with workouts targeting all the major muscle groups. These informative videos are easy and you are able to do them anywhere.

Workout I strive for:

  Monday Wednesday Friday
Morning Cardio Cardio Cardio
Afternoon Weights Weights Weights
Night Light Walk Light Walk Light Walk

About Me

Picture of the author of the page I'm Sydney and I'm a Freshman at Florida State University. I am enrolled as a business accounting major becuase I one day want to create a business and be able to run and maintain it myself. Although I am studying accounting, a lot of my time involves scrolling thourgh instagram and pinterest looking at the newest trends. Like many other young women, I am very into fashion. I love to match my shoes to my purse and have a color coordinated outfit, for some reaosn it just makes me feel better. I love to have fun with my style and change it up depending on the weather, or even on what is new in Hollywood. Right now studying at FSU, I try and stay casual for the school days but get to dress up and have fun on the weekends.